consumer electronics

Consumer Electronics

Upgrading to energy-efficient consumer electronics is a simple and effective way to reduce energy usage and save money. In particular, new computers and monitors that shut off when not in use represent a great opportunity for savings.


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Eligible Measures and Incentives

Incentives may be available for the following equipment:

  • ENERGY STAR® certified monitors, computers and imaging
  • Small network software (network power management enabler)
  • Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)

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Pre-Approval Requirements

All Consumer Electronics Incentives for Business Program applications received by the Program Administrator require pre-approval before the installation of equipment.

Effective Dates

To qualify for incentives through the Consumer Electronics Incentives for Business Program, equipment must have been purchased and installed after January 1, 2024, and after receipt of a formal pre-approval letter from the Program Administrator.

How Do I Apply for Incentives?

Step 1


Register as a customer or a Program Ally using the online application portal. Once you’ve registered, you can create and submit a rebate application. You will need to upload the following required documents to submit the application for pre-approval:

  1. W-9 tax form for who is receiving the rebate check, dated within the last 2 years and wet signed.
  2. Potomac Edison electric bill to confirm account number and service address, dated within the last 3 months. If desired, the participant may obscure all cost and rebate related information.
  3. Cost estimate breaking out the equipment cost and labor cost. Must include model number, quantity, and unit cost.
  4. Savings calculator workbook
  5. Manufacturers’ specification (cut) sheets for the proposed Please highlight all relevant information such as the equipment efficiency ratings.
  6. A DLC or Energy Star® Listing, if applicable


Step 2


We will review your application to ensure eligibility and, if your application is approved, will send an Incentive Offer Letter via email. All incentive offers are contingent upon eligibility and program funding. Before proceeding with construction, please verify your acceptance of this incentive and intent to move forward with the project. Upload the acknowledged Offer Acceptance to the application through the Offers tab in the portal.


Step 3


Once the project is complete, the participant should review the approved application for any changes to the project that occurred during installation and make any needed corrections. To complete the application, you will need to log in to the portal and upload the following documentation for final review:


  1. Invoice(s), breaking out the equipment cost and the labor cost. Must include the model number, quantity, and unit cost.
  2. Incentive Payment Request Form (the last page of the Offer Letter).
  3. Letter of Attestation, must be wet signed
  4. Incentive Request Form, when rebate check is going to any one other than the customer. Must be wet signed.
  5. Manufacturers’ specification (cut) sheets for any additional equipment installed.
  6. Revised calculator workbook if scope of work has changed.