Custom Equipment
Custom projects include building shell, electrical and mechanical improvements that reduce energy consumption and demand by improving building energy performance.
All verified energy savings for custom measures such as compressed air, process improvements and building controls will be paid $0.28/kWh.
Projects that do not qualify include:
- Power factor correction devices
- Motor soft starts
- Renewable energy technologies that generate electricity (for example, solar photovoltaic, wind generation, micro-hydro turbines, etc.)
- Fuel switching (for example, replacement of an electric chiller with an absorption chiller)
Custom Building Improvements
Custom measures include, but are not limited to:
- Building shell improvement
- LEED-certified building, renovation or addition
- An energy project that impacts multiple, interacting systems in the building
- Electrical and electric mechanical retrofits to higher-efficiency components and processes
- Installation of building energy management systems
- Other program-eligible energy-saving measures identified through a building assessment or audit
- Newly constructed buildings: The design and construction of an entirely new structure on a greenfield site or wholesale replacement of a structure torn down to the ground.
- Addition (expansion) to existing buildings: Significant extension to an existing structure that requires building permits and triggers compliance with current codes.
- Major renovations or tenant improvements of existing buildings: Significant reconstruction or “gut rehab” of an existing structure that requires building permits and triggers compliance with current codes.
Custom Audits
The program provides incentives that cover up to 50% of the cost of a comprehensive on-site energy audit to identify and implement building or process-related energy efficiency improvements.
Energy audits focused on building/facility energy efficiency improvement projects will need to meet or exceed ASHRAE Level II guidelines. Energy audits for manufacturing/industrial process will be required to define energy-saving strategies for process modification and/or implementation of program-eligible energy efficiency measures that result in overall energy savings, reduction of energy intensity (kWh per sq. ft.) or reduction in cost per manufactured/processed item.
Typical recommendations include installation of efficient equipment, building/shell improvements, manufacturing process changes, building operating changes or other eligible energy efficiency improvements. Incentives are paid at $0.05/kWh for measures identified in the audit only after the identified measures are implemented (installation completed and operational). Audit incentives cannot exceed 50% of the cost of the audit.
Pre-Approval Requirements
All custom equipment incentive applications received by the Program Administrator require pre-approval before the purchase and installation of equipment.
Effective Dates
To qualify for incentives, equipment must have been purchased and installed after January 1, 2024, and after the receipt of a formal pre-approval letter from the Program Administrator.
How to Apply
Step 1
The participant should complete and submit a Custom Equipment Incentive application online and upload required documents through the application portal. The following documents are required for a pre-approval:
- W-9 tax form for the incentive payee.
- Scope of work with a summary of the existing and proposed systems.
- Manufacturers’ specification (cut) sheets for each installed item to verify that the equipment is eligible. Please circle or highlight the relevant information on the specification (cut) sheet.
- Detailed energy-savings analysis/calculations.
- Copy of utility bill to confirm account number and service address. If desired, the participant may obscure all cost- and rate-related information.
Step 2
The Program Administrator will notify the applicant via email when the review is complete and funds have been reserved. Upon receipt of program pre-approval, participants may purchase and install their energy-efficient equipment.
Step 3
Once the project is complete, participants should review their application for any changes and submit the following documents to the Program Administrator for review:
- Revised energy-savings analysis/calculations (if changes were made during construction)
- Detailed, itemized invoices or proofs of purchase for the equipment installed
- Completed Letter of Attestation
Supporting technical documentation will be reviewed by Program staff, and an on-site inspection to verify the installation may be conducted. Upon receipt and verification of all required documentation, the incentive check will be processed and mailed to the applicant or to an authorized representative, if requested on the application.
Apply online for custom equipment incentives or contact us at 855-801-5803 for assistance.